Sunday, March 25, 2007


Holy Shinizzles! Its been sooo long since i posted and added new update on my blog! Im sorry guys, but i've been quite busy over the course of the last month. But isnt that a good thing? I get to post more and stuff, to keep my blog interesting lol.

I just wanna start off bye, Wo0t, Spring Break is coming in like 2 weeks, i cant wait. I live in NYC, so you guys might have a different date on your spring recess. My friends and I are gonna go to Harris Field and play some ball. I got my glove and bat ready ^_^

Anyways, did any one of you see the new episode of Deathnote? I get my Deathnote meals at It has lots of resources on Deathnote.
Also, right now, im about to watch Naruto Shippuden, the new Naruto series where everyone has grown up 2 years and Naruto comes back from his training with Jiraiya.

Anyways, I'll try to stay in touch and keep this blog updated.

See Ya Later,